How comfortable are you with the light on the back of your Valk? A single point source of light, conveying little depth information,
and down low where it's hard to see. Introducing The Highlighter 25 Super-Brite focussed LED's, aimed at the cager's eyes behind
you, mounted in Honda's backplate, comes on with your ignition, with BLAZING brilliance when you hit the brakes. GREATLY
increases the visibility of your Valk from the rear, especially at night, and looks really custom. Thanks to the clever electrical
design, this is possible with only one wire secreted behind shiny aluminum tape down the inside of the right sissybar post. The wire is completely hidden. The connection is made under the
seat, at the loom plugs to the taillight assemblies. No drilling, screwing, or wire stripping. Guaranteed forever not to burn out
or otherwise not work. Easy to install, takes an hour tops, with simple tools (screwdriver or wrench, knife, plier). Made in versions for the stock backrest, the Mustang backrest, and the
Corbin backrest for stock sissybar. Price marked down from $169, now only $120.
Be the first on your block to not get run over from the rear! |